Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Lessons From Year One

Three of the Things I Have Learned in One Year of Training

I started training for a triathlon Sept 2012. I owe my health and current happiness, in at least a small part, to two awesome ladies I am lucky enough to call friends, Shayna and Ally. They casually asked me if I wanted to do a triathlon with them in 2013. Part of my resolutions that year had been to say yes to new experiences so I said yes. It is funny how one question can change you on so many different levels.
 I also have to thank them for continuing to be my friend even when I became totally obsessed with training and asked 9 million questions! Seriously I am sure there were discussion about how crazy I was (am).
 I have learned a lot in this last year of training. More than I could ever put into one blog post but I wanted to share some of the highlights with you.

1. Running is hard. That's it. Seriously, it is hard and it hurts but it is worth every gasping breath. I had never run before in my life when I started last September. I ran a 16 minute mile and thought I was going to die. I did throw up once or twice at the begining. I would like to say that I love running now but I don't. I might one day. I am leaving the option open to becoming "more than frenemies" with that part of my sport but I am not sure. Here is the big lesson for me: It is o.k. to not like part of your training. I always feel amazing after a run and I have gotten better and will continue to get better. I think the love/hate I have actually helps me never take for granted how hard it is for someone who is just starting out. I can currently run an 11 minute mile so I am slowly and steadily improving.

2. Being around all women is an amazing experience. My second triathlon of the season was an all women event. If I am being honest here, and I really try to be honest, I have never really liked women. I found them to be catty, underhanded, hurtful in a nice way and really just all around bitchy to other women. I have found in this year that being around women who have the same fitness goals and asperations as you is an uplifting and inspiring experience. I was running, shuffling really, at the end of the triathlon and I had women blowing past me but every 2 out of 3 of them took the time and the extra effort to give me a "great job" or "way to go". If you can imagine, or have done, a half mile open water swim, 13.1 mile bike ride and then a 5k you can understand how precious your air and energy are. For them to give me encouragement, take some of their energy and air and spend it on me,  truly brings me to tears everytime I think about it.
My advice: find a group of people who lift you up and support you. Your determination will take you very far but there will be times when you need a "atta girl (boy)".

3. Don't judge. This seems to be my yearly lesson in 2013. In my first race I saw a heavy set girl and thought "heck yeah. I am leaner than her and she is in my division I can totally beat her. That's my goal, stay in front of her". I judged her based on nothing other than her size. Yes, that makes me a horrible person, hey I never claimed to be perfect.
I stayed with her in the swim, we were actually swim drafting buddies.
I saw her in the bike transition area.
Then I never saw her again. Wait not true, I saw her in the pictures of the race a week later.
She was standing on the 1st place podium for my division.
It was humbling and more than uncomfortable for me to realize what I had thought about her and how wrong I was.  She could have just had a baby 2 weeks before the race, she could have a glandular problem, hell she could just be super fast and big. I have no idea where people are on their fitness journey. It isn't my place to judge.
I am trying to judge less. Trying to be more supportive and learn from other peoples journeys.

I am excited about the year to come. I have added weight training and look to get faster and stronger in my triathlons next year. I also look to judge less and learn more.
Happy training all.

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