Thursday, August 1, 2013

No excuses

I have been trying to live a more conscious of my health lifestyle for over a year now. I have lost just over 75 pounds and have changed the way I think about food and exercise completely. I have had a consciousness shift and it is amazing and overwhelming sometimes.

There are many things that lead to my change and I will write about them in the days and months to follow. Some of them were being diagnosed with Celiac disease, almost reaching 250lbs, moving to a new state.

I am in no way an expert. I am just trying my best everyday like everyone else.

I am moving towards a new way of eating which is called primal/paleo. I hate that label because I am not out with a spear hunting down bison or forgoing deodorant. I am eating mostly meats, fruits, vegetables and no grains. I still eat carbs just good clean carbs such as potatoes, wild rice, and quinoa.

Today I gave up the last of my processed evils; SUGAR. As a child my nickname was "sugar bags" because I always had bags of candy with me where ever I went. I have continued the love affair with sugar all the way to my 34th year. I decided that this year was the year to quit.

Sugar is quite frankly an addiction and I have tried to quit before and failed. One thing I am doing this time is taking a picture of my face every day since quitting sugar. I have read and researched and sugar is bad for you on so many levels one of those being it speeds up the aging process. So I am hoping by takeing pictures and hopefully seeing some improvement it will be easy to keep not eating it.

That is all for now. I have trained my brain to think in face book posts. I was telling a friend that I can be cute and witty for a paragraph but when it has to be longer some of my magic dissipates. So here is hoping I can learn to think like a writer and don't bore you all to death! (all 4 of you :).

Here is a great article my friend sent to me about how bad sugar is for you to help me remember why I have decided to concur this addiction (Thanks Stacie!)


  1. Woohoo! I'm excited to read your blogs! I had no idea about aging and sugar. Yuck. I just recently noticed my aging and it's freaking me the hell out. I looked down at these hands that looked like older woman hands and was totally shocked. I am definitely a sugar addict and I don't even know if it's possible to quit it for me!! Ugh!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I should try to cut down on sugar too! So hard!
